“What’s Next?”

That’s a question I’ve heard once or twice in the past month or so and have asked myself repeatedly since the release of In Times of Trouble: Crossroads back in November. The short answer is, “I have no idea,” but then that’s not entirely true.

I told myself when the third and final book in the series was completed and in readers’ hands, that was it. The story was over and I would focus on marketing it to a wider audience. Which I have been working at, spending untold hours and “I don’t dare look” amounts of advertising dollars in order to introduce myself to readers across the nation. That has been met with some success, but honestly, not what I had hoped for when I started. Social media algorithms are constantly changing, and with the infusion of AI users into platforms such as Facebook, money doesn’t go as far, or reach actual humans like it once did. It’s like paying for TV advertising to 300 million television sets but a percentage of them, no one’s watching but the family cat.

More than a month and a half later, I can tell you this: Writing three books is a shitload easier and a lot less frustrating than marketing them. I’m in the middle of one or two more final pushes and then going to back away from that and let the universe decide what happens.

I know, that still doesn’t answer the question of what’s next, particularly when it comes to writing.

For starters, I’ve had an idea for a Dan Brown-esque thriller that I’ve jotted down a couple of pages of notes for. I don’t know if there’s enough there for an entire novel, but I’ve found those weird voices in my head, the ones from which character dialogue springs forth from, chattering more. So at some point I’ll have to at least dip my toe into the waters of that particular world.

But I also have about a half dozen ideas for short stories that take place within the Iworld already created. Moments from between the books, things that I know happened along the way but haven’t revealed to you, the reader. That’s been on my mind more as of late, so my intended break from writing may be coming to a premature end.

That said, I’m going to do it a little differently. For right now, I’m going to write them for me. By that I mean I’m going to write them for, and from a place of, the simple enjoyment of writing, without a plan for how and when to publish them. Then I’ll decide what to do with them when the time feels right.

And along the way I’d like to write stuff here as well. After all, that’s how this whole adventure began.

So that’s what’s on my mind about future projects right now. I sincerely hope that you’ve enjoyed the In Times of Trouble series. It’s been my privilege to entertain you and I hope to bring you more some time in the future. Until then, know that I am forever grateful for your support.

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