“What’s Next?”

That’s a question I’ve heard once or twice in the past month or so and have asked myself repeatedly since the release of In Times of Trouble: Crossroads back in November. The short answer is, “I have no idea,” but then that’s not entirely true. I told myself when the third and final book in…


Back before the release of In Times Of Trouble: Aftermath, my wife suggested I write something between books to release to the public. So I sat down and did just that, which is the Christmas Eve scene in the beginning of the second book. Since then, there’s been countless times when I’d think of a…

The Need For Civil Discourse

Up to now, you may have noticed ( or maybe not, I don’t know ) that for the most part I have shied away from political posts. I’ve done this more and more over the years because for a couple reasons. For starters, I’m pretty sure no one cares what I think about the latest…

About The New Logo

You may have noticed I have a new logo I’m using on all social media platforms. That’s because after a LONG time of trying to figure out something better than my ugly mug for an avatar, I finally came up with something I feel best represents me. So far, I’m best known for my post-apocalyptic…

Memorable Album Covers

I don’t know what got me thinking about this, perhaps it comes from reading GiddyUpAmerica by Ryan O’Connell. But instead of some of the other ideas I’ve intended to write about, I decided to do something a little lighter and write about some of my personal favorite album covers. Until recently, it was a long…

The Old Man, The Kid, & Me

When I originally wrote this, ( back in 2008 or 2009 judging by the order it appeared in my files ) I’d never tried my hand at writing fiction. I know this because I prefaced it with, “I’ve never tried my hand at writing fiction until now…” My notes also indicate that this was weighing…